Sunday, October 4, 2009

Everyday in the World

Everyday in the world many a thing could happen...

One could win the lottery...
fall in love...
make a new friend...
discover a hobby...
quit a job...
find a job...
finish a good book...
invent a new ice cream flavor...
dance in the rain...
learn a language...
write a short story...
have a good cry...

or anything else one could think of...

and if it all becomes too overwhelming


one could just sing.


  1. Wow! Was that a little vebrato I heard from that little 4 year old? Too cute!

  2. Who's kid is that??? And what sort of activities do they participate in at home???

  3. Hahahahahah!!! Funny thing you just posted this because this very weekend my husband out of nowhere sang an impression of this very song! We love it. This one's going down in the Stimpson history books.

  4. oh i miss that little type a personality! so glad this is out on the internets now so that all may enjoy :)

  5. MAX, the next Americas Got Talent winner! I miss you Max. Oh wait this is Amanda's blog..Thanks Amanda for posting this...way to capture the moment!

  6. Thanks for posting this! I need that memory. It is the BEST!

  7. We couldn't open this in Italy so I'm really glad it turned out to be exactly what I was hoping it would be! Thanks for putting it on your blog. Good post, too, Suz.
