Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Lesson on Procrastination

I was 15 minutes early to class today. Normally, this would be quite the accomplishment. Today, it was not. I have a group and we have a project. I was in charge of a portion of that project. It was due today. I found out my assignment and the completion date about 2 weeks ago. So what did I do? Well quite simply I didn't worry about it until late last night. At this point, I was hanging out with "the boy." I complained to "the boy" about my project. Finally, after much stress and anxiety I resorted to waking up early this morning. Naturally, I slept terribly since there was a looming dark cloud above me entitled "Grant Proposal." I woke up at 7am. Hit the snooze button until 7:45am. I pulled out my assignment. I did it. It took ten minutes. Ten minutes is all. Seriously, that is all it took. So I actually had time to eat breakfast, make my bed, and do laundry this morning. I was fifteen minutes early to class. Moral of the story? Find out how long the event procrastinating will take. Then at least you can sleep in an extra half hour.


  1. Such wisdom at your tender age. I'm impressed.

  2. but would you rather wear dirty underwear or sleep more? nevermind. i know the answer to that one.

  3. Oh that procrastination for me would always turn out that well!

  4. That one had a happy ending. Mine didn't always. Good work!

  5. Abby do you want an honest answer or a socially acceptable one?

  6. you are hilarious and i love you

  7. so what i want to know is, who is "the boy"?!! assignment?? what?

  8. This post is the equivalent to a person casually mentioning in a conversation that they are exhausted from waking up early to have breakfast with the President. I am completely distracted by "the boy." Next post please.

  9. i want the honest answer.

    (no underwear?)

  10. One might argue that you can't function without sleep. You can, however, function without underwear. Do with that what you wish... Chelsey, I actually DID have breakfast with the president, didn't you catch that subtle hint as well? I've been discovered.

  11. This is just the kind of personal response I need in the blogger's world. I appreciate ALL forms of you contacting me with this information. Thank you. And Amanda, I always knew you had a place on the Wait Staff on Pennsylvania Ave. . . .which would explain your breakfast with the president, see what I did there? Joke. I can envision your working quarters perfectly, on account of a personal tour given to me (Today Show) by Laura Bush about 3 years ago of the White House kitchen (surprisingly unimpressive, but that may be skewed from years of watching MTV Cribs). Congrats and Happy Anniversary to us and Baby Michelle/Comet.
